Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Twins Turn One

Nolan and Taryn are One!

Taryn is our 110% girl, even the way she holds her hands she is just "girly" She is so precious. She's a cuddle bug with anyone she gets to know. She loves to watch me get dressed, do my hair and make-up and loves to do choirs around the house with me. I'm not sure if she is afraid of the boys or just "loves" her mom...

"Happy Birthday Tear bear"

Cute Nolan. Our little dress up boy. He's such a funny kid. I guess every family has to have one, right? We call him our "goof ball" he just does funny stuff. Any time he sees clothing or beads he puts them on (including Taryn's hair things)... Nolan this year has been a complete joy

"Happy Birthday Nollie pollie" (poor Nolan i forgot his blue shorts...)
Opening Presents
(Thank you Colleen for making the T's)

Of Course we can not forget wonderful big brother who makes every day so exciting for the twins...

The twins had three weekends of parties at three different locations due to family being in so many places...so the pictures above are from different weekends...
Looking forward to many more years of fun

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Fight to get my body back after Twins...

So this may seem really lame to some of you, but i am definitely fighting to get my body back after twins. I didn't realize what a toll it took on me until i dove into the pool and started swimming with the Masters team; however it was swimming which help longate some lazy muscles and get me prepared for cycling and running again.

It is a fight though i mean you really have to make a conscious choice to get back into shape after babies. I have to say though that because i did nurse the twins for some time (longer than i thought) that really helped get the weight off initially (i dropped fast). One old man in the hospital asked me "do they have a treadmill in the maternity ward"... Thank you...that was nice...

In any case just to encourage all the moms out there and those that want to loose weight. Lately I have just made a decision on top of my normal exercise routine of swimming, running and cycling to just move a lot and also drop sugar. I've never had to take my eating to this extreme, but i'm there...I mean i am thirty four now i don't NEED sugar... I feel good....Lot's of tuna, salad, fruits, veggies...and LOTS Of moving. I don't want to be sedentary, i mean i have three kids...I've got to do it for my kids...and for me... It's a choice don't you all agree, but i tell you to all mom's out there that have child after child and get themselves back in shape so fast, "my hat goes off to you"... It is not a easy journey.

I'll post some new pictures soon...

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May 2015

Since we are going through Proverbs as a family my latest favorite is and this is the NIV Adventure Bible.

"My son, hold on to good sense and the understanding of what is right. Don't let them out of your sight. They will be life for you. They will be like a gracious necklace around your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety. You will not trip and fall, When you lie down you won't be afraid When you lie down you will sleep soundly."

Proverbs 3: 21-24
NIV Adventure Bible

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