Easter this year was a whirlwind. Every year i try to get into a pattern of pictures and routines, but it seems like every Easter we are a little rushed. In any case here are some pictures. I am so thankful someone let us borrow their camera. I found the cord (finally), but now can't find the charger. Don't we sound like a mess over here?
another btw: I had the kids Easter outfits all cordinating and stuff and they didn't even end up wearing them on Easter due to rain, poop and rush... It was a good lesson.
There are more important things at Easter than attire.
We did manage to fit in the resurrection eggs love that tradition, great for kids, which is really the most important part of Easter. I really try to balance Easter, but enjoy it as well by not doing the Easter bunny stuff, but still doing the "easter egg" tradition. It's a balance, but Dylan is now almost eight and never once has he asked anything about the Eater bunny...
We actually had a great time decorating eggs this year. (btw check out Dylan's cool hat. It has a button under the bill that you push and the bill lights up see the lights at the end. A company gave it to Jason at work, cool huh)
Dylan and I also enjoyed doing our little family tradition this Easter by making and decorating Easter cookies and giving them to friends and some neighbors.
Right after naptime we did the Easter egg hunt. Dylan could barely wait for Taryn and Nolan to get up. When they did get up he had to wait longer due to the huge accident Nolan had in his crib, phew...yucky...the kid ate way too much before naptime. There goes matching outfits for the boys...
Grandma reading Taryn's clue for her

Finally finding their baskets :) (i tried pals this year. I was determined to make some cool pals, but couldn't find what i was looking for before Easter)

I just let the kids eat candy for awhile and then call it quits and that's it...until next year.

Hunting for Eggs
Easter Dress up
Love this picture but bummed Dylan didn't make it in it.
Love you mom and dad thanks for coming
A little family shot.

Happy Easter