Saturday, June 29, 2013

Lots of Firsts in SLO

Note:  See prior post for a little update on our big move..

On to Firsts:)
First time off the high dive...
 First time having mini grocery store carts (love this)...
 First time spending father's day at the beach...
Wow what a face...first time loosing a tooth...
(yes those are carpet samples in the back...)
First time going to Farmer's Market...
 First time at bubble gum alley...
 First time finding a heart rock...
 First time for riding lessons...
 First time a cousin has taught our children how to catch chickens...
More coming soon...

Moved to San Luis Obispo

It's me and I'm still alive.
It has been nuts, really nuts. 
About two months ago we move from the bay area to San Luis Obispo, my home town and where Jason and I met.
We feel so blessed and thankful we could move close to my parents and my cousin and her family.
So thankful.
It's been a year in the making and a lifelong dream.
We are currently in escrow on a 1946 coastal bungalow here in SLO.
We could not be more thrilled.
It's a crazy i mean crazy real estate market, very little inventory and lots of buyers especially in SLO.  With that said we see God's hand very clearly in being able to purchase this home.
We close in July and should be moved in by the end of July.
I'll post some pictures.
Especially during the fixing up process...
Here is a sneak peak :)

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May 2015

Since we are going through Proverbs as a family my latest favorite is and this is the NIV Adventure Bible.

"My son, hold on to good sense and the understanding of what is right. Don't let them out of your sight. They will be life for you. They will be like a gracious necklace around your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety. You will not trip and fall, When you lie down you won't be afraid When you lie down you will sleep soundly."

Proverbs 3: 21-24
NIV Adventure Bible

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