We thought this was pretty funny at our house. The other day Taryn was caught sitting in her high chair with her finger in her nose. Just exploring the hole and fasinated with her nose.
The twins both started walking. Taryn started walking about a month ahead of Nolan. Amazing for a child who was born at 34 weeks and weighed only 4.14lbs. The doctor said they may have their firsts a little later than normal and boy was he wrong. Nolan and Taryn are just doing awesome. I have to admit it is a little crazy around here since they both started walking. Wanted to get Nolan's first steps in something other than a white onesie, but o'well. Just feel a little guilty because Taryn is all cute in a dress and ponytails and Nolan is in a plain onesie; not to mention Nolan's video is o'so short, but it's hard to catch him walking far, he's up and down. Since Nolan started walking Taryn is giving him more love on the head and hugs. It's almost like she is proud of him for making his way upward.
1 comment:
That's great! They actually were walking sooner than any of my full-term babies! (And Josie - just one - is only NOW starting to crawl!) The twins will be running with you before you know it!
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