Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Struggle

My struggle.
I struggle finding a balance with the kids.
(I'll write since i can't find my cord I've been endlessly looking for)...
I try so hard to cherish the moments i have with our kids. After having one i know this time is so brief; our oldest is going into second grade next year i can hardly believe it.
I want to enjoy this precious time with them and make cookies, play, be creative and just enjoy each stage of their little life.
I get tired though, really really tired.
Kids get sick and i know it's temporary, but lately when one kids sick it's the other and the sleepless nights continue. Thankfully i feel like we are going to get a break and be well for awhile, but then it's something else.
I want to enjoy getting up with them and cherish our time together in the middle of the night.
But i get so so tired.
I need some tips here on keeping my perspective.
This morning it was just precious.
I took Dylan to school and read his "big boy devotional" in the car (part of it while driving) i know terrible huh.
Then i came home and the twins were just craving mommy time. So i sat down with them and had them each sit on a pillow on the floor (so they would stay put for more than 20 seconds) and did a toddler devotional with them.
O' my goodness.
They just laughed and giggled and it was so delightful.
However, being a twin mom it is so difficult to just stop sometimes and make them giggle and enjoy them it's just so busy and tiring.
So i guess that is where God steps in to guide me (us) raising them; enjoying the little precious times i do have with them and not regretting the times i don't and relying on Him to give me the strength i need to keep going each and every day with enthusiasm and energy.
Our kids need us, but it is a struggle isn't it?


jenny said...

I hear ya. Although only a mother of one (and definitely not twins!) I also get so tired and just sometimes want to have my old life back - although not really, truly. But, I did just watch this short video about cherishing the "ordinary days" and it made me cry and hold Bella a bit closer today.

HopeE said...

Well put! I feel very similar. And have probably similar mornings as you... the "get the kids to school" then come home and be Mommy to the younger ones ... Oh, and laundry, cleaning ... and being a wife somewhere in there. it IS SO exhausting (especially when Jeremy's travelling so much). Shell -- know that I'm praying for YOUR strength as well now whenever I ask for me! It's also very hard not to feel guilty when I can't drink in the moments all the time with the kiddos. Thanks for sharing!

MacD Kids said...

Hey Shelley,
I just wanted you to know I definitely plan on visiting your blog for insight and encouragement as I embark on my own twin journey (also with older kids in tow!) I feel all of that tiredness and discouragement you were describing and I am constantly begging God to make me more patient and joyful. Ryan and I have just recently been focusing all our efforts and asking God to give us the grace to make our home a more peaceful place, believing that completely starts with us and our tendency to get stressed and 'snappy' with the kids. It is so hard to live out of a place of joy. I will pray for you, will you pray for me? :)

Shelly said...

Thank you for all your sweet words. So cool.
Yes Katie (or was it with a "y" sorry about that...) I will pray for you. Email anytime. My toughest and most tired time was around six - nine months with the twins i even walked into the pediatrician's office for a check up with tears... The pediatrician gave me some great advice and then it was so funny he offered to call "Jason" and make sure he was on board... cute huh. Email me anytime it's just encouraging to talk to other moms, especially of twins...

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May 2015

Since we are going through Proverbs as a family my latest favorite is and this is the NIV Adventure Bible.

"My son, hold on to good sense and the understanding of what is right. Don't let them out of your sight. They will be life for you. They will be like a gracious necklace around your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety. You will not trip and fall, When you lie down you won't be afraid When you lie down you will sleep soundly."

Proverbs 3: 21-24
NIV Adventure Bible

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