This summer i have to confess i don't have a lot of activities or camps planned, except for VBS for Dylan and the regular swim team and a couple of vacations... It really appealed to me not to have to get someone somewhere each morning and be more flexible. It's not easy getting out the door with all three by 8am for a whole school year.
In order to make the summer a little more fun at home we opened up the Weller family store. I'm trying to be more intentional about teaching the kids things, especially this summer since last summer was kinda a flop do to the mere care of the twins...not bad just exhausting.
Jason and I for a number of years have felt a little odd about paying Dylan to do chores. Maybe it's expecting too much, but we felt like since he is part of the family it's just his job; however we came up with this idea through the crown financial kids study and putting our ideas together.
I know it looks like a mess, but i wanted the kids involvement.
The kids collect change throughout the week for chores, attitudes, helping ect...and put the change in the little treasure chest (only $1 at affordable treasures) and they have lock and keys and a hole on the top for change.
On Friday's after dinner we open the store and each child gets a turn to count up their $ and pick something out of the basket or save.
However, before they choose a item they tithe 10% from their earnings for the week and take it to church each Sunday.
They also can save for a bigger item each week.
(so we are learning about money; tithing, saving, spending ect...)
Dylan helped me select some items for the basket and i did the rest; some things from the dollar store, some for summer reading or workbooks, a little candy, toys misc, and they can pay a penny for a gumball.
So far so good and it adds a lot of excitement in the house. The twins are not as old yet, but because Dylan is so excited they are as well.
The key is consistency...whew and it's just the beginning of summer.
1 comment:
I LOVE THIS! We are actually stealing this idea! And with the money they earn, they can also buy television, Wii (well, watching Jeremy play) and computer time.
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