Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter and Bouncy Party

 Easter is around the corner and a "bouncy party" soon after.
Pictures coming soon.
btw: i'm doing the most amazing women's bible study, which is taking a lot of my extra time these days.  It's called "five aspects of a women" God has used this study to change my thought life!
Hard to find and I think it's a coarse at a Christian college.
It is amazing.
btw2: i was messing with the design template and oops...i'm trying to fix the layout but having problems...Oops.

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May 2015

Since we are going through Proverbs as a family my latest favorite is and this is the NIV Adventure Bible.

"My son, hold on to good sense and the understanding of what is right. Don't let them out of your sight. They will be life for you. They will be like a gracious necklace around your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety. You will not trip and fall, When you lie down you won't be afraid When you lie down you will sleep soundly."

Proverbs 3: 21-24
NIV Adventure Bible

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