Wednesday, August 27, 2014

To Dog or Not to Dog

We just began a new school year and for the first time in 11 years I have six hours five days a week to help my family without distractions.  Our kids are in a wonderful public school I feel great about their education and I feel good about being home and helping our family while everyone is away.  Which leads me to my blog title:)

This last summer we picked up a labradoodle puppy.   It was kinda on a trial basis with the breeder.  She was adorable friendly sweet with kids already crate trained rarely barked.  Everything appeared to be the perfect set for us our new addition.  However, I was not a peace with it.  I'm a dog person I kept telling myself I've waited forever for a dog like this "I love this dog she is just perfect".  Still wasn't at peace I started seeing how much time the dog was taking from my husband, kids, daily chores and just relaxing.  It was another thing nbc despite everyone's efforts that I had to take care of...although it was a "good" thing it was pulling me in a different direction than I wanted to go.  Everyone kept saying it gets better and better with a dog, but I started to feel more and more depressed about my commitment to this adorable sweet animal. We also noticed that she was growling at the kids more, which was not typical labradoodle behavior.  A vet actually recommend we return her so that was causing hesitation on my part as well.

Finally I woke up in the middle in the night prayed and realized I was feeling bummed about it because it was a thing that was taking my time away from were my heart was, so I shared with my husband and we decided to take the dog back.

Now before you judge my actions we lovingly let our kids know in the most loving way possible this was the direction we were taking.  Then.  We all cried.  We love  this dog.  It was  just too much for our family at this time and it would of been neglected too much too with our busy schedule.  So we cried, but I am so thankful the kids understood and saw our hearts.  It actually brought us together as a family because it was hard.  Life is hard.
We can't protect our kids from mistakes or hard things in life.  We need to step out and trust that God will through the hard things teach even the smallest person lesson about himself.

Life has losses.

So we decided for now we "are not going to be a dog family", but we learned so much and though our hearts hurt I am so thankful we made our decision.  Our kids are only kids once.  We get one shot to make a difference in their life.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dare to enter again...

So I've officially blow it as a blogger.
This year has been completely crazy.
I thought I could do it all and that just was not the case.
With all three in school for first time, different schedules, New area and new house plus medical emergencies it just did not happen in the blogging world for me.
But I'm back with a new perspective and new stories to share.
Life has it's ups and downs doesn't it.
Join me as I start again...
Enter our crazy life just one more time.

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May 2015

Since we are going through Proverbs as a family my latest favorite is and this is the NIV Adventure Bible.

"My son, hold on to good sense and the understanding of what is right. Don't let them out of your sight. They will be life for you. They will be like a gracious necklace around your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety. You will not trip and fall, When you lie down you won't be afraid When you lie down you will sleep soundly."

Proverbs 3: 21-24
NIV Adventure Bible

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