Thursday, January 21, 2010

Great Move

I'm still alive!
Just still looking, searching, unpacking, organizing and enjoying
our new home...
We've moved.
Yet again
(hopefully this one is for a Long time)
To an adorable house about a mile away from our previous one.

I have some great before and after pictures coming up so keep your eye out for them.
(as soon as i find the camera cord)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Six Girls

During the visit with my brother and his wife Sharon i was able to spend some quality time with my nieces. My brother and his wife have three and her sister and brother in law have three. It was so great to get to know her sister's girls and to take care of my nieces for a couple of days.
My mom made these adorable slippers for the girls...aren't they cute.
From Left Brooke, Ellie and Bethany (her sister's girls)
Aubrey and Cambria (and missing Brenna) are my brother's girls.
Aubrey and Cambria

Missing little "B"
Ellie and Aubrey I let the girls take pictures with my camera

Aren't they so cute.
I enjoyed them so much.
Love you.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Precious Chloe Sue

Chloe Sue
I haven't posted in awhile because of a family tragedy. It hurts.
As i'm writing i'm getting teary, but feel like i should just type and express myself.
I don't think there is anything tougher.
The day after Christmas in the morning.
I got a phone call I still remember it so clearly.
"This is Jeff we are going to the hospital"
We will be praying for you and keep us posted.
"Can you call mom and dad and let them know."
Sure Jeff
"I love you"
"I love you too"

I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and prayed the baby would come quickly and that it wouldn't be too long of a labor for Sharon.
(she usually has long labors and i just desired for her to have a little quicker one)
I felt nervous for them this time. I don't know what it i prayed for them again.
A couple hours later.
My mom calls.
My knees buckled.
"Are you sure"
Time passed, nope i think time just stopped.
"Lord please be with Jeff and Sharon right now."
No one was sure what happened and then it was for certain.
On the way to the hospital the placenta broke and the baby didn't make it.
I flew down on Sunday night to see them in the hospital and to hold and say, "goodbye" to baby "Chloe Sue"
Who is more perfect now than she will ever be here on earth.
I didn't want to let her go.

It seemed so wrong to hold such a perfect baby, but like pastor "Joey" so calmly reminded me this is her earthly shell and she has a new body with God forever. How hard is this to say "goodbye" to a niece you will never see laugh, smile, enjoy allow to braid your hair...o my goodness.
I just cried and cried with Sharon and Jeff.
At the funeral I read the lyrics of a song for Sharon that are so touching.
by Twila Paris
A Visitor From Heaven
"A Visitor from Heaven
If only for a while
A gift of love to be returned
We think of you and smile

A visitor from Heaven
Accompanied by grace
Reminding of a better love
And of a better place

With aching hearts and empty arms
We send you with a name
It hurts so much to let you go
But we're so glad you came
We're so glad you came

A visitor from Heaven
If only for a day
We thank Him for the time He gave
and now it's time to say
We trust you to the Father's love
And to His tender care
Held in the everlasting arms
And we're so glad you're there
We're so glad you're there

With breaking hearts and open hands
We send you with a name
It hurts so much to let you go
But we're so glad you came
We're so glad you came"
I posted some songs in memory of "Chloe Sue"
Please continue to pray for healing and peace for Jeff and Sharon.
Life is so precious and is so short. God is teaching us sooo much each and every day. I just pray that i can be more and more attentive to what He desires for my life on a day to day basis.

"All the days ahead He alone has planned for me and were written in His book before I was even one day old" as well as for Chloe sue (Psalm 139).
We all know that this was in God's plan.

Chloe you've changed my life forever...

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May 2015

Since we are going through Proverbs as a family my latest favorite is and this is the NIV Adventure Bible.

"My son, hold on to good sense and the understanding of what is right. Don't let them out of your sight. They will be life for you. They will be like a gracious necklace around your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety. You will not trip and fall, When you lie down you won't be afraid When you lie down you will sleep soundly."

Proverbs 3: 21-24
NIV Adventure Bible

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