Thursday, January 29, 2009

Los Gatos (Part II)

The closest little town to us is Los Gatos, which if you've never been is a elevated SLO town, although SLO is changing every year, i doubt SLO will every have a Ferrari dealer like Los Gatos. Nonetheless, Los Gatos is adorable. It's tucked into the mountain side and has a old world charm versus modern day appeal. It's very ritzy though, you don't want to forget your fancy car and pure bread dog if you come downtown... In any case driving the back way from our house into downtown Los Gatos you come across this beautiful old building set against the hillside. My camera does not do it justice...(side note: unfortunately Jason and i bought a nice non-digital camera right before the digital ones came out, so we are in transition on the camera side of things...will work it out in due time.) The setting below is so beautiful on a clear blue day.
This is a shot going into town, again the camera does not due it just nor the shot from my moving car with two sleeping babies and one tired six year get the picture...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

For the Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles & Cousins that we miss...

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Friday, January 23, 2009

January Highlights & Part I

Places I love...Part I
I decided since i'm limited on activities these days that i would document with camera and journal (not an actual journal in hand these days due to the limited amount of "free hands", but my mind) some of the places around here and elsewhere that i really enjoy seeing or being. The below is the first.
Avilia Beach with Kids
Growing up in SLO I used to think Avilia was beautiful, but the beach itself wasn't exactly my favorite beach to sit and hang out at...when i was in high school there used to be a family side and kids side and it just felt weird parking a beach towel with friends there...I really disliked going there due to all the out of towners... So... I used to only go there for bomb fires and high school events or other occasions. Now that i'm a mom i have a whole new perspective on it (plus it's been completely re-done), it's perfect for the family. Parking is easy, you can hang out at the park and just enjoy the ocean in the background, tide pools, clean beach and everything is just close so kids can enjoy it all, another plus the people are usually extremely friendly.
These are pictures of the new park they put in awhile back...
The downtown renovation
Tide pools, such a beautiful day for January
Turning 34 in SLO
Dylan and I with ice cream cake (my favorite on my birthday)
80 degree weather in SLO over Martin Luther King weekend...twins cooling off...
98 % of the time they just play by each other without bothering each other at all; it's so's such a normal to them to be near each other...they find comfort in it.
Twins at home with Devcon overalls on...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Park Days in January

Park Days in January
You wouldn't know it was January, the weather here has been so great. We headed out to the park, while Jason was hiking up the hill we stayed behind to explore the sand. Dylan was so thrilled to be at the park i couldn't even get a picture of him...
This was the first time the twins had been in the sand.

So i decided to start running distance again with some friends...the twins are just thrilled about it and my new shoes to the right... time to toss the old ones...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Funny Nolan

Dylan was standing Nolan up and he ended up like this it was so funny. Nolan wouldn't move...sorry about the position of the happened so fast...


A New Ornament on the Tree

I don't remember seeing this ornament on the tree last year??? Just goes to show you how clueless we are these days...i have no idea how long this was on the tree and since it is a reflection of the times we just left it there for the remainder of Christmas.

Understanding Christmas

All along I was wondering if Dylan was understanding the true meaning of Christmas and this Christmas it was so cute he ran out into the living room first thing in the morning anxious to open gifts. We came out and before he opened his first gift he said very sweetly,
"Happy Birthday Jesus".

Friday, January 2, 2009

Taking Photos of Three kids

Here's Nolan screaming when I placed him close to the tree. So funny. I would move him away and he would be fine, close and he would cry...Dylan and I thought it was so funny.
So then I decided to try and take photos by themselves...Taryn

We had to go out with a bang

We had to finish 2008 with a bang; a lot of great things have happened to our family in 2008, but in the last ten years of marriage we have never spent so much time in the doctor/hospital. We are praying 2009 we stay away from the ER a little more...sorry about all the typos i have a injured finger.
Jason and I had a bunch of fun things planned for Christmas this year. It was going to be our first year since we got married we were going to stay home. Although the house setting isn't our favorite we wanted to stay home nonetheless; so we decided to do so. The weekend before Winter break started Nolan and Taryn came down with a cold, which turned into RSV...before even this Dylan had a cold, which turned a little ugly...okay now we can move onto RSV; so the babies came down with RSV, which moved quickly into Pheumonia. While the kids were sick I was well. Christmas afternoon Taryn and I spent in the ER with a 103 fever and a chest x-ray...which led to Pheumonia. The day after Christmas Jason came down with a sinus infection...back to the doctor again...
It was crazy we went from the doctor, to the pharmacy, doctor to the pharmacy...all week. It was just crazy. No one could come on Christmas because by that time we were so contagious...
To top of the week I accidentally slammed my finger in the door going into the garage and pulled some legiment, which has to be splented on Monday.
So i've gotten a lot of comments on our Christmas cards this year. I was a little limited in time and tried my best to take photos of the kiddos. The day I took these pictures the tree had just been put up and NOlan was scared to death of it. Every time he looked at it he would start crying...three kids, one mommy and one camera makes it extremely difficult to take a photo. Next year i'll start a month in advance, but this year i'm behind in everything.

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May 2015

Since we are going through Proverbs as a family my latest favorite is and this is the NIV Adventure Bible.

"My son, hold on to good sense and the understanding of what is right. Don't let them out of your sight. They will be life for you. They will be like a gracious necklace around your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety. You will not trip and fall, When you lie down you won't be afraid When you lie down you will sleep soundly."

Proverbs 3: 21-24
NIV Adventure Bible

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