Monday, August 4, 2008

Vacation in SLO

San Luis Obispo
Could it get better than SLO town...

Cambria and I rubbing noses (Cambria's idea)

So our vacation time was limited to San Luis Obispo this year due to the twins age (and honestly due to the nature of the twins, we weren't brave enough to go out alone with all three to a unfamiliar destination...)

But who could not like SLO we were able to do all our favorite things and have help with the kids, which is so great! We also got to see our niece
s whom we just adore. They are all getting so big now. The girls came for two days and one night and boy was it fun. The kids play so great together and are so tired at the end of the day.
Chalk was a big hit with the kids

Aubrey, Dylan, Cambria & Brenna Having Vanilla Milk!
Jason was a big hit with the kids, he chased them around the house for hours playing Monster and then did chalk with them...Mr. Artsy.

Sharon and the girls & Dylan; Dylan insisted on wearing his helmit to look like he was racing and holding a rock???
Aubrey wanted a picture with Aunt Shelly as well, so cute!

Aubrey drawing

in-between playing with the kids we took time to feed, play and put to bed the twins...whew!Good job Jason


Christine said...

Looks like so much fun! Wish we could have made it to slo or pismo on our trip. Taryn looks bigger!

Scott said...


Looks like a lot of fun! So many kiddos everywhere! The sisters and I are going to SLO in two weeks for a sister weekend. Very excited about that. We haven't been back for a while. I am just glad that I can still move about at 25 weeks. I feel sooo big already and still have 3 months to go. Great to see pictures of you. Let us know when you are up for visitors and maybe we can come and see you all.


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May 2015

Since we are going through Proverbs as a family my latest favorite is and this is the NIV Adventure Bible.

"My son, hold on to good sense and the understanding of what is right. Don't let them out of your sight. They will be life for you. They will be like a gracious necklace around your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety. You will not trip and fall, When you lie down you won't be afraid When you lie down you will sleep soundly."

Proverbs 3: 21-24
NIV Adventure Bible

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